Sunday, January 5, 2014

Integrity Diligence Excellence

As I prepared to become a professor I wanted to summarize what I value and what are the expectations for the students.  The sign board is what resulted from this process.

Integrity - Making the morally correct decision, even what no one else will know.  If we do not have integrity then we are not true to ourselves.  The students I advise know that any form of dishonesty will result in them being removed from the group.  Any form of dishonesty from the students I teach will result in them failing the course.  People can take away from us many things (e.g. money, fame, etc.), but they can not take away our integrity. 

Diligence - Working consistently and not allowing ourselves to become distracted by things which are not important.  Any success that I have been blessed with I attribute to the talents God gave me and to working diligently.  I am grateful to a father and mother who set an exampling of working hard.  I have seen many people who have tremendous talent and abilities, but who don't apply themselves and so never succeed. 

Excellence - Doing our best with the resources we have.  We gain the respect of others as we do quality work and do our best.

So, if you are ever in one my students or work with me - you know what I expect and what to expect from me.

David L. Blunck