Sunday, February 16, 2014

We do Hard Things

In our family we have a motto - "We do hard things."  It is human nature I suppose to avoid things that are hard or challenging.  Yet, it is through setting goals, tackling challenges, and trying to become better that we grow and develop.  As parents it is important to not shelter our children from hard things.

A week ago we had one of those opportunities to do hard things.  We had nearly a foot of snow fall over two days.  So we piled snow around the base of the trampoline and then my oldest and I slept outside in our "snow fort."  My second son was going to sleep with us as well, but he ended up sleeping inside because of some poor choices.  My oldest son loved the experience!  He was more teachable and humble than any other time that I can remembered.  We talked about school, his choices, things that concern me, and he proudly showed me how well he could do math in his head.  He loved sleeping outside and felt proud of himself for his accomplishment.  the next day he told both of his grandma's about his feat. I will admit that I did not sleep well and would have preferred to sleep inside, but the next morning I knew that it was worth it becauseI had helped my son do a "hard thing." 

Below are pictures taken the day after our adventure.
The entrance to our cozy abode.

Nothing is better than snack in a snow cave.

My second son enjoy hanging out with his brother in the fort.

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